Source code for redbot.core.drivers.postgres.postgres

import getpass
import json
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Any, AsyncIterator, Tuple, Union, Callable, List

    # pylint: disable=import-error
    import asyncpg
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    asyncpg = None

from ... import data_manager, errors
from ..base import BaseDriver, IdentifierData, ConfigCategory
from ..log import log

__all__ = ["PostgresDriver"]

_PKG_PATH = Path(__file__).parent
DROP_DDL_SCRIPT_PATH = _PKG_PATH / "drop_ddl.sql"

def encode_identifier_data(
    id_data: IdentifierData,
) -> Tuple[str, str, str, List[str], List[str], int, bool]:
    return (
        ["0"] if id_data.category == ConfigCategory.GLOBAL else list(id_data.primary_key),
        1 if id_data.category == ConfigCategory.GLOBAL else id_data.primary_key_len,

[docs]class PostgresDriver(BaseDriver): _pool: Optional["asyncpg.pool.Pool"] = None
[docs] @classmethod async def initialize(cls, **storage_details) -> None: if asyncpg is None: raise errors.MissingExtraRequirements( "Red must be installed with the [postgres] extra to use the PostgreSQL driver" ) cls._pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(**storage_details) with as fs: await cls._pool.execute(
[docs] @classmethod async def teardown(cls) -> None: if cls._pool is not None: await cls._pool.close()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_config_details(): unixmsg = ( "" if sys.platform == "win32" else ( " - Common directories for PostgreSQL Unix-domain sockets (/run/postgresql, " "/var/run/postgresl, /var/pgsql_socket, /private/tmp, and /tmp),\n" ) ) host = ( input( f"Enter the PostgreSQL server's address.\n" f"If left blank, Red will try the following, in order:\n" f" - The PGHOST environment variable,\n{unixmsg}" f" - localhost.\n" f"> " ) or None ) print( "Enter the PostgreSQL server port.\n" "If left blank, this will default to either:\n" " - The PGPORT environment variable,\n" " - 5432." ) while True: port = input("> ") or None if port is None: break try: port = int(port) except ValueError: print("Port must be a number") else: break user = ( input( "Enter the PostgreSQL server username.\n" "If left blank, this will default to either:\n" " - The PGUSER environment variable,\n" " - The OS name of the user running Red (ident/peer authentication).\n" "> " ) or None ) passfile = r"%APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf" if sys.platform == "win32" else "~/.pgpass" password = getpass.getpass( f"Enter the PostgreSQL server password. The input will be hidden.\n" f" NOTE: If using ident/peer authentication (no password), enter NONE.\n" f"When NONE is entered, this will default to:\n" f" - The PGPASSWORD environment variable,\n" f" - Looking up the password in the {passfile} passfile,\n" f" - No password.\n" f"> " ) if password == "NONE": password = None database = ( input( "Enter the PostgreSQL database's name.\n" "If left blank, this will default to either:\n" " - The PGDATABASE environment variable,\n" " - The OS name of the user running Red.\n" "> " ) or None ) return { "host": host, "port": port, "user": user, "password": password, "database": database, }
[docs] async def get(self, identifier_data: IdentifierData): try: result = await self._execute( "SELECT red_config.get($1)", encode_identifier_data(identifier_data), method=self._pool.fetchval, ) except asyncpg.UndefinedTableError: raise KeyError from None if result is None: # The result is None both when postgres yields no results, or when it yields a NULL row # A 'null' JSON value would be returned as encoded JSON, i.e. the string 'null' raise KeyError return json.loads(result)
[docs] async def set(self, identifier_data: IdentifierData, value=None): try: await self._execute( "SELECT red_config.set($1, $2::jsonb)", encode_identifier_data(identifier_data), json.dumps(value), ) except asyncpg.ErrorInAssignmentError: raise errors.CannotSetSubfield
[docs] async def clear(self, identifier_data: IdentifierData): try: await self._execute( "SELECT red_config.clear($1)", encode_identifier_data(identifier_data) ) except asyncpg.UndefinedTableError: pass
async def inc( self, identifier_data: IdentifierData, value: Union[int, float], default: Union[int, float] ) -> Union[int, float]: try: return await self._execute( f"SELECT$1, $2, $3)", encode_identifier_data(identifier_data), value, default, method=self._pool.fetchval, ) except asyncpg.WrongObjectTypeError as exc: raise errors.StoredTypeError(*exc.args) async def toggle(self, identifier_data: IdentifierData, default: bool) -> bool: try: return await self._execute( "SELECT$1, $2)", encode_identifier_data(identifier_data), default, method=self._pool.fetchval, ) except asyncpg.WrongObjectTypeError as exc: raise errors.StoredTypeError(*exc.args)
[docs] @classmethod async def aiter_cogs(cls) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[str, str]]: query = "SELECT cog_name, cog_id FROM red_config.red_cogs" log.invisible(query) async with cls._pool.acquire() as conn, conn.transaction(): async for row in conn.cursor(query): yield row["cog_name"], row["cog_id"]
[docs] @classmethod async def delete_all_data( cls, *, interactive: bool = False, drop_db: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """Delete all data being stored by this driver. Parameters ---------- interactive : bool Set to ``True`` to allow the method to ask the user for input from the console, regarding the other unset parameters for this method. drop_db : Optional[bool] Set to ``True`` to drop the entire database for the current bot's instance. Otherwise, schemas within the database which store bot data will be dropped, as well as functions, aggregates, event triggers, and meta-tables. """ if interactive is True and drop_db is None: print( "Please choose from one of the following options:\n" " 1. Drop the entire PostgreSQL database for this instance, or\n" " 2. Delete all of Red's data within this database, without dropping the database " "itself." ) options = ("1", "2") while True: resp = input("> ") try: drop_db = bool(options.index(resp)) except ValueError: print("Please type a number corresponding to one of the options.") else: break if drop_db is True: storage_details = data_manager.storage_details() await cls._pool.execute(f"DROP DATABASE $1", storage_details["database"]) else: with as fs: await cls._pool.execute(
@classmethod async def _execute(cls, query: str, *args, method: Optional[Callable] = None) -> Any: if method is None: method = cls._pool.execute log.invisible("Query: %s", query) if args: log.invisible("Args: %s", args) return await method(query, *args)