Source code for redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting

import itertools
import datetime
from typing import Sequence, Iterator, List, Optional, Union, SupportsInt
from io import BytesIO

import discord
from babel.numbers import format_decimal

from redbot.core.i18n import Translator, get_babel_regional_format

_ = Translator("UtilsChatFormatting", __file__)

[docs]def error(text: str) -> str: """Get text prefixed with an error emoji. Returns ------- str The new message. """ return "\N{NO ENTRY SIGN} {}".format(text)
[docs]def warning(text: str) -> str: """Get text prefixed with a warning emoji. Returns ------- str The new message. """ return "\N{WARNING SIGN} {}".format(text)
[docs]def info(text: str) -> str: """Get text prefixed with an info emoji. Returns ------- str The new message. """ return "\N{INFORMATION SOURCE} {}".format(text)
[docs]def question(text: str) -> str: """Get text prefixed with a question emoji. Returns ------- str The new message. """ return "\N{BLACK QUESTION MARK ORNAMENT} {}".format(text)
[docs]def bold(text: str, escape_formatting: bool = True) -> str: """Get the given text in bold. Note: By default, this function will escape ``text`` prior to emboldening. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. escape_formatting : `bool`, optional Set to :code:`False` to not escape markdown formatting in the text. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ text = escape(text, formatting=escape_formatting) return "**{}**".format(text)
[docs]def box(text: str, lang: str = "") -> str: """Get the given text in a code block. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. lang : `str`, optional The syntax highlighting language for the codeblock. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ ret = "```{}\n{}\n```".format(lang, text) return ret
[docs]def inline(text: str) -> str: """Get the given text as inline code. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ if "`" in text: return "``{}``".format(text) else: return "`{}`".format(text)
[docs]def italics(text: str, escape_formatting: bool = True) -> str: """Get the given text in italics. Note: By default, this function will escape ``text`` prior to italicising. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. escape_formatting : `bool`, optional Set to :code:`False` to not escape markdown formatting in the text. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ text = escape(text, formatting=escape_formatting) return "*{}*".format(text)
[docs]def bordered(*columns: Sequence[str], ascii_border: bool = False) -> str: """Get two blocks of text in a borders. Note ---- This will only work with a monospaced font. Parameters ---------- *columns : `sequence` of `str` The columns of text, each being a list of lines in that column. ascii_border : bool Whether or not the border should be pure ASCII. Returns ------- str The bordered text. """ borders = { "TL": "-" if ascii_border else "┌", # Top-left "TR": "-" if ascii_border else "┐", # Top-right "BL": "-" if ascii_border else "└", # Bottom-left "BR": "-" if ascii_border else "┘", # Bottom-right "HZ": "-" if ascii_border else "─", # Horizontal "VT": "|" if ascii_border else "│", # Vertical } sep = " " * 4 # Separator between boxes widths = tuple(max(len(row) for row in column) + 9 for column in columns) # width of each col colsdone = [False] * len(columns) # whether or not each column is done lines = [sep.join("{TL}" + "{HZ}" * width + "{TR}" for width in widths)] for line in itertools.zip_longest(*columns): row = [] for colidx, column in enumerate(line): width = widths[colidx] done = colsdone[colidx] if column is None: if not done: # bottom border of column column = "{HZ}" * width row.append("{BL}" + column + "{BR}") colsdone[colidx] = True # mark column as done else: # leave empty row.append(" " * (width + 2)) else: column += " " * (width - len(column)) # append padded spaces row.append("{VT}" + column + "{VT}") lines.append(sep.join(row)) final_row = [] for width, done in zip(widths, colsdone): if not done: final_row.append("{BL}" + "{HZ}" * width + "{BR}") else: final_row.append(" " * (width + 2)) lines.append(sep.join(final_row)) return "\n".join(lines).format(**borders)
[docs]def pagify( text: str, delims: Sequence[str] = ["\n"], *, priority: bool = False, escape_mass_mentions: bool = True, shorten_by: int = 8, page_length: int = 2000, ) -> Iterator[str]: """Generate multiple pages from the given text. Note ---- This does not respect code blocks or inline code. Parameters ---------- text : str The content to pagify and send. delims : `sequence` of `str`, optional Characters where page breaks will occur. If no delimiters are found in a page, the page will break after ``page_length`` characters. By default this only contains the newline. Other Parameters ---------------- priority : `bool` Set to :code:`True` to choose the page break delimiter based on the order of ``delims``. Otherwise, the page will always break at the last possible delimiter. escape_mass_mentions : `bool` If :code:`True`, any mass mentions (here or everyone) will be silenced. shorten_by : `int` How much to shorten each page by. Defaults to 8. page_length : `int` The maximum length of each page. Defaults to 2000. Yields ------ `str` Pages of the given text. """ in_text = text page_length -= shorten_by while len(in_text) > page_length: this_page_len = page_length if escape_mass_mentions: this_page_len -= in_text.count("@here", 0, page_length) + in_text.count( "@everyone", 0, page_length ) closest_delim = (in_text.rfind(d, 1, this_page_len) for d in delims) if priority: closest_delim = next((x for x in closest_delim if x > 0), -1) else: closest_delim = max(closest_delim) closest_delim = closest_delim if closest_delim != -1 else this_page_len if escape_mass_mentions: to_send = escape(in_text[:closest_delim], mass_mentions=True) else: to_send = in_text[:closest_delim] if len(to_send.strip()) > 0: yield to_send in_text = in_text[closest_delim:] if len(in_text.strip()) > 0: if escape_mass_mentions: yield escape(in_text, mass_mentions=True) else: yield in_text
[docs]def strikethrough(text: str, escape_formatting: bool = True) -> str: """Get the given text with a strikethrough. Note: By default, this function will escape ``text`` prior to applying a strikethrough. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. escape_formatting : `bool`, optional Set to :code:`False` to not escape markdown formatting in the text. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ text = escape(text, formatting=escape_formatting) return "~~{}~~".format(text)
[docs]def underline(text: str, escape_formatting: bool = True) -> str: """Get the given text with an underline. Note: By default, this function will escape ``text`` prior to underlining. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. escape_formatting : `bool`, optional Set to :code:`False` to not escape markdown formatting in the text. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ text = escape(text, formatting=escape_formatting) return "__{}__".format(text)
[docs]def escape(text: str, *, mass_mentions: bool = False, formatting: bool = False) -> str: """Get text with all mass mentions or markdown escaped. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be escaped. mass_mentions : `bool`, optional Set to :code:`True` to escape mass mentions in the text. formatting : `bool`, optional Set to :code:`True` to escape any markdown formatting in the text. Returns ------- str The escaped text. """ if mass_mentions: text = text.replace("@everyone", "@\u200beveryone") text = text.replace("@here", "@\u200bhere") if formatting: text = discord.utils.escape_markdown(text) return text
[docs]def humanize_list(items: Sequence[str]) -> str: """Get comma-separted list, with the last element joined with *and*. This uses an Oxford comma, because without one, items containing the word *and* would make the output difficult to interpret. Parameters ---------- items : Sequence[str] The items of the list to join together. Raises ------ IndexError An empty sequence was passed Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import humanize_list .. doctest:: >>> humanize_list(['One', 'Two', 'Three']) 'One, Two, and Three' >>> humanize_list(['One']) 'One' """ if len(items) == 1: return items[0] try: return ", ".join(items[:-1]) + _(", and ") + items[-1] except IndexError: raise IndexError("Cannot humanize empty sequence") from None
[docs]def format_perms_list(perms: discord.Permissions) -> str: """Format a list of permission names. This will return a humanized list of the names of all enabled permissions in the provided `discord.Permissions` object. Parameters ---------- perms : discord.Permissions The permissions object with the requested permissions to list enabled. Returns ------- str The humanized list. """ perm_names: List[str] = [] for perm, value in perms: if value is True: perm_name = '"' + perm.replace("_", " ").title() + '"' perm_names.append(perm_name) return humanize_list(perm_names).replace("Guild", "Server")
[docs]def humanize_timedelta( *, timedelta: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, seconds: Optional[SupportsInt] = None ) -> str: """ Get a locale aware human timedelta representation. This works with either a timedelta object or a number of seconds. Fractional values will be omitted, and values less than 1 second an empty string. Parameters ---------- timedelta: Optional[datetime.timedelta] A timedelta object seconds: Optional[SupportsInt] A number of seconds Returns ------- str A locale aware representation of the timedelta or seconds. Raises ------ ValueError The function was called with neither a number of seconds nor a timedelta object """ try: obj = seconds if seconds is not None else timedelta.total_seconds() except AttributeError: raise ValueError("You must provide either a timedelta or a number of seconds") seconds = int(obj) periods = [ (_("year"), _("years"), 60 * 60 * 24 * 365), (_("month"), _("months"), 60 * 60 * 24 * 30), (_("day"), _("days"), 60 * 60 * 24), (_("hour"), _("hours"), 60 * 60), (_("minute"), _("minutes"), 60), (_("second"), _("seconds"), 1), ] strings = [] for period_name, plural_period_name, period_seconds in periods: if seconds >= period_seconds: period_value, seconds = divmod(seconds, period_seconds) if period_value == 0: continue unit = plural_period_name if period_value > 1 else period_name strings.append(f"{period_value} {unit}") return ", ".join(strings)
[docs]def humanize_number(val: Union[int, float], override_locale=None) -> str: """ Convert an int or float to a str with digit separators based on bot locale Parameters ---------- val : Union[int, float] The int/float to be formatted. override_locale: Optional[str] A value to override bot's regional format. Returns ------- str locale aware formatted number. """ return format_decimal(val, locale=get_babel_regional_format(override_locale))
[docs]def text_to_file( text: str, filename: str = "file.txt", *, spoiler: bool = False, encoding: str = "utf-8" ): """Prepares text to be sent as a file on Discord, without character limit. This writes text into a bytes object that can be used for the ``file`` or ``files`` parameters of :meth:``. Parameters ---------- text: str The text to put in your file. filename: str The name of the file sent. Defaults to ``file.txt``. spoiler: bool Whether the attachment is a spoiler. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- discord.File The file containing your text. """ file = BytesIO(text.encode(encoding)) return discord.File(file, filename, spoiler=spoiler)